Code of Ordinances

A DRAFT copy of the proposed Code of Ordinances is available for review during normal Town Clerk Office hours.  This document is still in review and is subject to change.  The Code of Ordinances has been in the works for over a year and its purpose is to place all existing town ordinances (some of which were hand written) into one document for easier revision,review and enforcement.  These ordinances have also been reviewed and modified as required to meet current state laws.  Several out of date ordinances have been deleted and several items that town has been doing have been placed into the code (spring time weight restrictions).  It only contains CURRENT ordinances.  Any ordinance still being debated or drafted is not YET part of the Code.  This includes any changes to boating restrictions (except water skiing observer requirements) and proposed restrictions on through trucks on town roads during the summer of 2020 closure of Hwy 64.

THe approval process stars with the PUBLIC HEARING scheduled in January and continues with outside agency review (for certain items) as well as review by the town atty.  The expected final approval of the code of ordinances is expected to be around May 2020 following all these reviews.  The changes to the ordinances will be covered during the public hearing in January.

If, after reviewing the code, you have comments, please inform the clerk of your comment and place a ‘post-it’ note on the draft copy near the item in question.  The town board will review it and contact you if needed.